Friday, January 16, 2009

Pendidikan Nilai Berwawasan Global

Author: Ahmad Makki.

Judul : Pendidikan Transformatif (Pergulatan Kritis Merumuskan Pendidikan di Tengah Pusaran Arus Globalisasi)
Penulis : Musthofa Rembangy, M.Si.
Penerbit : Teras - Yogyakarta
Cetakan I : April - 2008
Tebal : xxxvi + 241 halaman

The dynamics of the existence of the essence of education in the land of water for this, feels no more than what is called "intellectual factory". So the fact terabaikan education sejatinya seemingly offhand. Identifying the education that we have experienced the shift from the values luhurnya. Digantikannya products with self-love and self brutality of the greedy, and not just empty the philosophical values. Aksentuasinya lies in the establishment of the intellectual insight that is only stuck on the values of life that will dry morality and ethics in societal life.

The assumption was not based on the existence of a variety of other facts that indicate that at all levels and areas of life in the country's philosophy of life crisis. They thus become the educated corruptor while those who are not educated to become even sneak. There are also groups that confusion, and become fitter inhaler sabu-sabu and fell on the drugs. While the purpose of education is actually the birth of individuals independent, mature, responsible and sensitive to permasalah social environment.

Book that is now present in our midst again try to fill the vacancy discourse-new discourse that is necessary to direnungkan together. Musthofa Rembangy, the author of this book with the title Education transformative (Struggle Formulating Critical Education in the Middle eddy Globalization), offers a different perspective on various issues will be education nowadays. Especially in education in the land of water terstigma still backward compared with the countries of others.

When the future of education which has been running in Indonesia, quite a lot of systems that must be changed even dirombak total. Start from a perspective that is used, the model of learning, emphasis on educational goals and many more lines and in various other sectors. That should all be done in order to push up the quality of human resources that will be produced soon in order to fight and wrestle for the torrent of globalization.

In general, this book presents the ideas and constructive play in scrutinize the world of education today. Sprinkle dilontarkan thought that step as a strategic effort to do reconstruction in mind that more education and transformative global conception. Education is always the humanist values in life, but also capable of reading the real conditions in the global community at this time and the conception of the future. Makes this book very important to us it would be made with reference.

If the developed countries, education has proven significant results. In the last few centuries of the development of education and experience spectacular progress, especially in terms of engineering science and technology. Encouraging people to be strong and street. All the needs of socialization can be more easily met in the time of rapid and practical. The era of technology and industry, as a mirror of contemporary education.

According to the author of this book, offers a model of education that should be implemented, this is a model of adult education as well as transformative bervisi global conception. Model of cooperative education to all students the ability to process the free thinking and innovative. Appreciate at the same time developing the potential of every individual with the potential to grow and develop is a reasonable and humane not turned off with any form of sanctions and penyeragaman.

In the vortex flow of globalization, the reality of our education also has not been able to create a critical learners and have the ability in facing global challenges and that the more oppress mencengkram. This is the situation in education is not value-free, the education should be concerned. Interests to deliver candidates of the nation is capable of facing all challenges to be faced in the future.

Transformation of education is important to notice a strong challenge in the global era. One is the transformation of large-scale konsekuesi create logical emergence new culture of ethics in our human resources work. If education still rely on certain aspects, can be the education we will be far behind with the other nations. In the macro, the era of globalization is a challenge to grasp the human resources competencies among nations.

Therefore, the impression merenungi every step of life we can keep the essence of education sincere. Act as the values of education have been taught during this lelehur from the root of the culture of this nation. Not change the philosophical foundations of education with the values of pragmatic in real life and very empty. The idea is an education should be directed to the noble goal, that is, the man who makes intelligent, creative and humanist.

In other words, the future of this nation depends on the condition of education today. Therefore, through this book, at least we can make this country more successfully treat human and humane education are also high berintelektual. A dream that does not necessarily become a mere utopia, but we must try to achieve now. At least, good for us as educators, students, observers of education, policy, government and the general public, this book can be made as of the beginning of everything. Hopefully!

*) Ahmad Makki Hasan
Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana UIN Malang dan Guru SMA Negeri 1 Kota Malang

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