Monday, January 5, 2009


Empire Majapahit

A. System Pemerintahan
Raja considered as god [of] incarnation in the world of and have command of highest in government. In its getting tasks done, king is helped by a number of government functionaries. Sons functionary and king consanquinity are given high position in government. Before mount the throne, Crown usually given power area as [the] viceroy (Yuwaraja or Rajakumara). For example, Hayam Wuruk, before mount the throne Majapahit he/she has been lifted mount the throne Muda and position in Jiwana. Also princess Hayam Wuruk that called Kusumawardhani ever coronate as [the] Viceroy and position in Kibalan.
In running government, king is helped by council of empire conference or bhatara seven prabu. This Council on call gives considerations to king. Board member consist ofs king folks. Beside Raja Majapahit, there [is] still a number of area kings or exellencies bhatara. That They command each of them derah-daerah that under royal power Majapahit. They have been entered brother or consanquinity near king. In empire getting tasks done, they are encumbered tigas and obligation to collect production for empire and also keep safety area kekuasaannya.Dalam runs its area government, king is helped by a number of area functionaries with formation much the same to with central government.
In running its government king is helped by three ministers like I hino, I halu, and I sirikan. From third the most that minister, the most minister I hino is the most its minister of position the very top. He/she is the nearest one functionary with king, even sometime given authority to release charter/inscription.
Third the most that minister is helped by roof rakryan minister pakirakiran or a group of high functionary empire that is body of government executor. This Body consist of five functionary people, that is rakryan mahapatih (Patih Amangkubhumi), rakryan demung, rakryan tumenggung, rakryan rangga, and rakryan kanuruhan. At era Majapahit, fifth that functionary is called with Sang Panca ing Wilwatika or Minister of Amancanagara that help king in running its government.
Electroplated from I Wayan badrika, History SMA Kelas X

B. Kings that ever command in Majapahit
1. Raden Wijaya
2. Raja Jayanegara
3. Raja Tribhuwanatunggadewi
4. Raja Hayam Wuruk
5. Wikrama Wardhana

C. Cause Runtuhnya Majapahit
1. Continual regeneration Inexistence
2. Gajah Mada holds all important [position/occupation]s, so as he/she pass away there is no other figure that can replace it
3. Endless Civil war. Because central government bussy with civil war business cause attention to subordinate area become decrease.
4. Subordinate area a lot secede. This condition happens because weakens its observation to area akibar civil war
5. Weaken its government causes weaken it economy strength and military, until much merchantses that move to area that has been controlled by islam
6. Enter and growing of islam influence. Because of has embraced islam, various of powers on shore north Java becomes will feel unattached next with Majapahit

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