Sunday, August 30, 2009

Managing Files and Folders in Windows XP

Often found to make files created in order not mixed between certain categories of files with other media files. However, these difficulties are not a problem anymore when using Windows XP Professional.
Windows XP Professional provides a very adequate facilities to manage the files that have to group them under a variety of different folders.
Folders can be made from various places the desired result, like my documents, drive C, drive D, or other drives are suitable.
For example, create a folder in my documents:
1. Click the right mouse button on the display area of my documents;
2. Select New;
3. Select Folder;
4. Give the folder a name in accordance with the criteria required.
5. Create the following folder by following the previous steps.

Managing files in a folder:
The files are there can be grouped in folders according to the criteria. There are several ways that can be done, such as cut and paste, or also with the drug and put on this folder.

Manage the work of the previous file trouble with Windows XP Professional getting easier every job, especially the right to manage the files in a folder by grouping, making it easier in terms of data management

NetBoot to Optimizing Your Mac OS Performance

Netboot is a good strategy to improve the performance of computer networks that use the Mac OS. By using netboot we will be able to easily obtain various facilities and benefits that are less than the MAC OS.
With the netboot, we can manage files, images easily and quickly.

We can obtain many benefits with this netboot, among others:
1. Improving Performance Networking, by using Netboot-based Networking Mac will tend to be better because we can easily access or manage the various files, pictures or documents.

2. Optimizing Server Performance, by using the netboot server capacity to be better, better access the client computer or client computer can also access sever.You netboot spread the workload across multiple drives; for instance, you can use a RAID array to increase drive performance. A better approach, however, is to use the built-in loadbalancing features of the netboot service, covered in the following section.

3. Using Load Balancing, computer networks become more balanced. We can add a variety of installations such as hard drives, memory and other computer easily and perform more baik.When a client lists the available netboot images in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences, if multiple images have hosted the same index number, The client assumes that the images are identical and displays only one entry. During the startup process, the client will attempt to connect to the least busy Netboot share to get the best performance.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Peluang Di Saat Krisis

Krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia dirasakan oleh hampir setiap orang, terutama yang masih berada di margin bawah, bahkan yang menengahpun juga harus mau menerima dampak dari semakin meluasnya krisis tersebut.
Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana kita bisa bertahan dan semakin kuat menghadapi krisis ini. Bagi sebagian kecil orang, krisis justru menjadi peluang untuk menemukan cara-cara kreatif unuk bertahan sekaligus mengembangkan potensi diri dan ekonominya. Berbagai cara dan upaya ditempuh agar perekonomian keluarga tetap eksis, “dapur tetap mengepul”.
Sebenarnya pada saat krisis maupun tidak, setiap keluarga pasti mengalokasikan sebagian keuangannya untuk berbelanja kebutuhan sehari-hari, seperti gula, the, beras, kopi, sabun cuci, sabun mandi, odol, dll. Singkat kata, sembako harus tetap ada meskipun krisis. Mungkin yang berbeda hanya segi kuatintas. Seikit dipres, tapi tetap ada.
Dengan masih adanya pengeluaran rutin dari setiap keluarga untuk berbelanja kebutuhan harian, berarti masih ada peluang untuk mengais rezeki dari sector ritail.
Terobosan baru dikembangkan oleh TIENS GROUP dengan BANNER SORE yang kemudian semakin dikembangkan lagi dengan system Banner Agen dan Banner Point. Setiap kita bisa memperoleh manfaat dari perputaran kebutuhan sembako, bahkan lebih luas lagi. TIENS GROUP dengan BANNER STORE nya memberikan 10 % dari setiap nilai belanja kebutuhan harian (diluar produk-produk TIENS) menjadi sarana untuk merecover kondisi perekonomian kita.
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